I watched the first Prime Minister Questions this afternoon when I finally rolled out of bed; am I really the only one who feels sorry for our Prime Minister? He may not be as charismatic or obedient as Blair or Cameron, but the man is surely doing the best job he can out of the worst consequences.
Before I get a egg on my face, may I just say that I've never voted Labour. Or Conservative, just in case you doubted my liberal tendencies. I've only ever voted Lib Dem, because I believe. Today though, Clegg and Cameron were hammering Brown with such ferocity I had to reconsider - for only a split second - whether he really is doing such a bad job?
Call me young and naive, but I trust him. He has been criticised for the way he handled the credit crisis, even though we championed him when the government bailed the banks. He has been criticised for the V.A.T. cut of 2.5% over the holidays, even the shoppers breathed a sigh of relief. That saved the average household, £5 a week. A week! According to Jamie, that can buy you some slap up ingredients from the supermarket and "feed your family for a fiver". As a student, I definitely know how far a fiver can go.
He has also promised better education starting from nursery level. Surely that's where education should start? I have a two year old niece, and since she has been attending nursery once a week, I can't help but notice how much her English has improved, especially as she only understood and spoke a few words of Cantonese before.
Like I said before, I have never voted Labour before, but maybe, just maybe, I will next time. Anything to keep the Tories out, I say!
On another, not quite lighter note, I'm still struggling with my China/Hong Kong assignment, due in for Friday. So far, my word count is 0. How does one summarise the political regimes affecting journalism and the media in 2,000 words???
Get your essay done! *waves*